Sunday, September 6, 2015

First impression of NWFSC

How about those security guards on campus?! I have not met one yet but they were formally introduced to my car on the first day of classes. I got a parking warning from the security officers. Apparently yellow lined spaces are for the staff...Oops! Well learned that lesson the hard way. :/  So from now on I will be sticking to the white lined spaces, thanks!

Classes got off to a great start! One teacher presented the entire semester including assignments and classwork and made me feel very comfortable about passing. Another professor made it clear I was going to earn my grade fully with projects and reading assignments. Although the class with all of the work will require more time and focus from me, I get to focus on my desired career path and gain practice with aspects that I probably would not have worked on, on my own. I also have one online class that will be an experience but it is an introduction to Computer Science so hopefully taking it online will be relevant. That class does not seem overwhelming just has its fair share of reading as well.

I also have two young boys, a dog and a husband to care for at home. We have a great little family and I am very happy with our routines.

Thank you for your time and I hope to have you as an audience next week!


  1. Very nice, looking forward to reading more.

  2. I've been a student and an employee here at NWFSC. Most of the time, I would park in the white lines even though I had both parking stickers. Just seemed easier, believe it or not. Hope to hear from you in class also.

  3. I'm torn between having all the semester requirements up front and receiving assignments as you go. Up front does seem overwhelming however when you know the semester requirements you can take advantage if your schedule allows to get a head. Right, like a working mom has a break in her schedule!

    Great start on the assignment!

    1. Caroline, I am finally getting into a groove with scheduling the crazy life of a mom, student, homemaker, cook, etc. I hope your semester is going smoothly as well! Thank you for your comment!

  4. Thanks for your post, Brittany! I'm glad classes have gotten off to a good start for you. Parking seems to be a consistent student issue here; I suspect we need better signage.

    As far as classes, I'm sure you'll do well. Not sure if this is the one "with all the work," but if it is, I do hope it's meaningful. :) I'm always open to suggestions, so if you see things I could do better, please share!
